Getting There

The only way to get to the Galapagos is by air. Galapagos flight booking is warranty with your cruise confirmation. All international connections are from mainland Ecuador. There are flights from Quito (stop over in Guayaquil ) and Guayaquil to Baltra or San Cristobal where your cruise will begin. Your flight will take 30 minutes to get from Quito to Guayaquil and about one and a half hours from Guayaquil to Galápagos – Baltra or San Cristobal.

The airlines have established low and high season for the flights as follows:

Galapagos High Season:

  • November 01 – April 30
  • June 15 – September 14

Galapagos Low Season:

  • May 01 – June 14
  • September 15 – October 31